Rocklin Junior Thunder right badge


Within the Rocklin Jr. Thunder (RJT) organization, ethical behavior is predicated on two main pillars: a commitment to discharging our obligations to others in a fair and honest manner, and a commitment to respecting the rights and dignity of all persons. As board members and coaches, we each bear responsibility not only for the ethics of our own behavior, but also for building RJT’s stature as an ethical organization.
We recognize that the fundamental relationships upon which our organization is based are those between individual athletes and individual coaches; thus, such relationships deserve special care that they not be exploited for personal gain.
When we make a promise as an organization, or as individuals who are authorized to speak on behalf of RJT, we keep those promises, especially the promises expressed and implied in our Mission Statement. You will try to do what is right, even if no one is watching you.
We promptly and openly identify and disclose conflicts of interest on the part of the board, coaches and the organization as a whole, and we take appropriate steps to either eliminate such conflicts or ensure that you do not compromise the integrity of the individuals involved or that of the organization.
We nurture an environment of mutual respect and tolerance. As members of the RJT organization, you will treat everyone with respect and dignity, even when the values, beliefs, behaviors or background of a person or group is adverse to you. Because we are responsible not only for ourselves, but for others, we speak out against hatred and bigotry whenever and wherever we find them. You will not harass, mistreat, belittle, harm or take unfair advantage of anyone. We do not tolerate lying, deliberate misrepresentation, theft, cheating, invidious discrimination or ill use of our fellow human beings – whether such persons be volunteers, peers, athletes, coaches, trustees, parents, donors or members of the community.
We do not misappropriate RJT’s resources or resources belonging to others, which are entrusted, to our care, nor do we permit any such misappropriation to go unchallenged.
We are careful to distinguish between legal behaviors on the one hand and ethical behavior on the other, knowing that, while the two overlap in many areas, they are quite distinct from each other. While we follow legal requirements, we must never lose sight of ethical considerations.
Because of the special bonds that unite us as members of the RJT organization, we have a familial duty, as well as a fiduciary duty, to one another. Our board and coaching staff are attentive to the well being of the athletes who are entrusted to us.
By you respecting the rights and dignity of others, and by striving for fairness and honesty in our dealings with others, you will be part of an ethical organization of which you can be proud and which will serve as a positive example for the Rocklin community and for our future athletes of RJT.

This was adopted  and has been the RJT Board and Coach Code of Ethics since January 2005.