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Each football team is allowed up to 35 on the roster plus 5 inactive "Redshirt" players who suit up for games but can only become active once PAR has been met for all other players. Red shirt programs are managed by individual organizations and are not mandatory. If a team decides to offer "Grey Shirt" players (which is optional and up to the organization), these are ‘inactive” players that will have a developmental season and are not eligible to suit up for games.


This rule requires that each certified player play a minimum number of 8-12 plays per game depending on team size. Although coaches will make their best effort to involve as many players as possible, they are only required to play each player their minimum plays throughout the game. Playing time is generally based on the player's ability to make a positive contribution to the team's efforts.

The following shall be the minimum PAR for all SAC teams:

  • 29-35 players...... 8 plays
  • 22-28 players...... 10 plays
  • 21 or less players...... 12 plays

Injury or other loss of players during the course of a game will not alter the PAR rule as determined prior to the start of the game. PAR cannot be altered as punishment for players. A play shall not count toward the PAR requirement if the play results in a dead ball penalty. Failure to meet the PAR requirement by the end of the regulation game (not overtime) will result in forfeiture of the game and the Head Coach must be suspended for one week.

RED SHIRT RULE - Red Shirts are only allowed to play once all other players have met PAR. Red Shirts do not count toward PAR. Red Shirts must be identified on the PAR sheet. 


  • 15 minutes prior to the start of each game, each team shall provide two monitors. 
  • These monitors will form two teams, each team consisting of one monitor from each side. Each team will be assigned to either the home side of the field or the visitor' side.  
  • On the home team side of the field the visiting team's monitor will be in possession of the home teams' form and on the visitor's side the home teams' monitor will be in possession of the visitor's form. 
  • These two teams of parents will need to work together to track and monitor all plays to ensure that the PAR (Play Allotment Rule) is met.   
  • Five minutes prior to the end of each half, the respective monitors will notify the head coach or their designee of how many players have not completed their mandatory number of plays, and what their jersey numbers are. 
  • Final notification shall be no later than two minutes left in the game if players have still not met PAR. 
  • If any player fails to play the minimum number of plays, both of the Presidents are to be notified and the jersey number(s) written down in the space provided on the form. 
  • Once PAR has been completed, BOTH volunteers sign off on the front of the PAR sheet and return it to that team's Head Coach or designated individual. After your volunteering is completed you must leave the field.