Rocklin Junior Thunder right badge


 In order for Rocklin Jr. Thunder Football & Cheer to successfully operate, it is necessary for all families to participate in the many roles and duties required throughout the season and on game day. Each family will be required to submit a volunteer hours deposit check of $400 or opt out at registration for $350.  The volunteer requirement is to work 10 hours per registrant, or 15 max for families with multiple children. Coaches, team parents & board members are exempt. Also if you bring in a $500+ sponsorship your volunteer hours will be considered fulfilled. Failure to complete your volunteer hours by the last game of the season or a no-show for a scheduled shift will result in your check being cashed.

*Please note, if you need to cancel your shift you are required to email the volunteer coordinator at 48 hours in advance of your scheduled shift to ensure that we are able to get the proper coverage. You may also fill your slot with a family member or other member of the organization. Please make sure the Team Parent or Volunteer Coordinator is informed

HOME GAMES: All volunteers will meet at the front gate 15 minutes prior to their start time to check in at the beginning of your shift.

AWAY GAMES: All volunteers for PAR & Chain Gang will report to the field 15 min before the start of the game.


  • Chain Gang (away games only) - To mark where a team begins a series and how far they need to go to get a first down.  (Please note that if you are signed up for one of these positions, at NO TIME should you talk to the referees and the players.)
  • PAR (home & away games) -  To properly record our PAR plays during a game. This position requires a brief review of the PAR page on our website.  Volunteers will be provided with the required PAR form for the side that they are working. Please note: once PAR is completed you will need to exit the field immediately.
  • Front Gate (home) - Volunteers will be stationed at the front gate. You will be responsible to collect entrance fees & stamp paid guests' hands.  Please note: All board members, coaches, assistant coaches, and student coaches are FREE entry. This will be indicated by their organization badges. All cheer and football players in uniform will be FREE.
  •  Snack bar (home)  - Adults & High School Students can work in the Snack Bar. Could require some heavy lifting
  • BBQ (home) - Work at the grill preparing hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken. Only adults are allowed to work in the BBQ area.
  • Booster (home) - Help sell items at the booster table. 
  • Announcer (home) - Announce the plays on the field with the help of the Spotter. They will have a team roster list with names and numbers. It is important that our RJT Sponsors are announced frequently during the game using the information supplied.
  • Spotter (home) - Binoculars will be provided to assist with visibility.  The spotter is to assist the Announcer in identifying player numbers, referee calls, and plays.
  •  Set Up (home) - Assist the RJT Board in setting up the high school fields for game day. Could require lifting of EZ Ups, boxes or other things.
  •  Clean Up (home) - Assist the RJT Board in cleaning up and taking down items after the last game of the day. Could require lifting of EZ Ups, boxes, trash or other items

Volunteers for season events (2 Hours per item/shift.)

  • Thursday Night Dinners - Provide team dinner, dessert, drinks & paper products for your entire team and coaching staff.  Set-up can begin 30 min before the end of practice. These events are only held the Thursday before game days. We kindly ask families to only sign up for it 1 dinner a season. 

 FAILURE TO FULFILL your 10 hour requirement or being a no-show to a scheduled shift will result in the cashing of your equipment deposit check.