Rocklin Junior Thunder right badge




Executive Board:

VP OperationsLindsay
VP FootballJared
VP CheerJasmine



VP OperationsLindsay
Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer
Events/Fundraising CoordinatorAndrea
Communications Director/WebmasterSara



VP FootballJared
Football CoordinatorChris
Football CoordinatorMike
Football CoordinatorJosh
Football Coach CoordinatorGary



VP CheerJasmine
Cheer Coach
Cheer CoordinatorKatie
Cheer CoordinatorChristie



Snack Bar CoordinatorApril
Asst. Snack Bar



Assistant TreasurerRyan
Sponsorship CoordinatorRyan
Thunder Store ManagerKalecia
Assistant Thunder Store CoordinatorJessie



*Executive Board - must have one year of RJT Board of Directors experience to be considered.

*President*This is an Executive Board Role. One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Granted discretionary and executive powers to execute and carry out the policies of RJT and to act in the best interest of the children registered. Administers the by-laws and all rules and regulations of RJT and SAC. Ensure all SAC and RJT rules and regulations are followed. Presides over all meetings. Appoint and oversee committees. Promote and represent RJT at all functions. Oversees daily administration of RJT. Executes all contracts on behalf of RJT. Approve Welcome Letter prior to mail out for all home games. Other duties appropriate to the President as requested/required by the Board of Directors. Must attend all RJT & SAC board meetings & games, home and away, or send a designated representative
*VP of Operations*This is an Executive Board Role. One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Assist and advise the President on all matters relating to the operations of RJT Football. Oversees daily operations of RJT. Acts on behalf of the President in his/her absence. Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to their position. Set up, schedule and complete a contract with The City of Rocklin, Rocklin High School, and any indoor facilities for all practice fields and game day fields. Sets and manages the season schedule for RJT with the President, VP of Football, VP of Cheer. Oversees the training, implementation and enrollment of all new Board Members. Secure bids for annual Team Pictures, present for approval to the Board. Coordinate date, time, and location for all photos including Badge photos at the start of each season. Must stand in for the president at away games & SAC board meetings in his/her absence.
*VP of Football*This is an Executive Board Role.One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Assist and advise the President on all matters relating to daily Football operations of RJT. Ensure all SAC and RJT by-laws, rules and regulations are followed. Acts on behalf of the President and the VP Operations in his/her absence Recruit, manage & oversee all football; coaching staff and coordinator positions. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all football participants are properly registered and certified. Works with the President and VPO to schedule and reserve all fields are reserved per the upcoming season schedule. Ensure all SAC and RJT rules and regulations are followed. Attendance: Must attend all RJT board meetings, SAC board meetings, all practices & all game days.
*VP of Cheer*This is an Executive Board Role. One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Oversee all aspects of the Cheer Program. Recruit, manage & oversee all Cheer coaching, student coaching & coordinator positions. Coordinate in conjunction with RHS Cheer Program to hold an annual Cheer Try-Out/Skills Assessment Clinic in the spring, prior to registration for the season, and simultaneously hold a Cheer Informational Meeting for parents interested in the RJT Cheer Program. Coordinate & delegate the uniform fittings and exchange program with the Cheer Coordinator when in use. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all cheer participants are properly registered and certified. Oversee & manage the ordering, distribution of cheer uniforms, works with Boosters for Spirit Packs & other miscellaneous cheer supplies. Have a working knowledge of Cheer etiquette & RJT, SAC and Jamz Cheer rules & regulations. Keep the President & Board apprised of all cheer activities. Provide the Board a budget for proposed cheer expenses & fill out all proper forms for reimbursement. Serve as liaison with the SAC League & the RJT Board, cheer parents, cheer coaches, instructors & RHS.. Ensure all SAC and RJT rules and regulations are followed. Attendance: Must attend all RJT board meetings, SAC cheer board meetings, any SAC board meetings requested by the RJT President, & all practices & games.
*Treasurer*This is an Executive Board Role. One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Receive, count, document all monies collected at each home game; reconcile all game day funds along with one other random Board Member at the conclusion of each game; prepare and seal the cash deposit bag at the end of the night to transport to the bank. Custodian of accounts for all League funds. Maintains accurate and balanced records of monies received and paid out by the League in an approved accounting program (Quickbooks). Receive all invoices, receipts and deposit forms for all accounts. Present monthly financial statements to the Board. Present annual financial statements to the Board and distribute them at the first meeting of the new calendar year (typically January). Works closely with approved accounting firms to maintain all records for the purpose of annual tax filing and ensuring the integrity of all funds. Files tax returns for the RJT with the approved bookkeeping CPA. The annual tax date is May 5th of each year. Prepare and mail all vendor checks for approved invoices. Prepare checks for refunds and repayments as requested by the Registrar and approved by the President.. Ensure all SAC and RJT rules and regulations are followed. Must attend all RJT board meetings & all home games.
*Secretary*This is an Executive Board Role. One must have previously served on the RJT Board of Directors to be considered. Records and maintains minutes of all meetings of RJT. Responsible for contacting Board members prior to a scheduled meeting to verify place and time. Conducts general correspondence as directed by the President or the Board. Prepare agenda for Board meetings. Distribute minutes of Board meetings. Maintain an archive of records. Acts on behalf of the Treasurer in his/her absence. Responsible for maintenance of Announcer’s Book for all home games and rosters for all away games, ensuring that they are in the Announcer’s Booth prior to the start of each game day. Must attend all RJT board meetings & all home games.
RegistrarWork with Webmaster to prepare and update registration websites prior to the beginning of each season. Maintain and administer registration website, including but not limited to, opening and closing of annual registration and assigning players and coaching staff to appropriate teams. Compile, review, approve, and maintain all participants’ records for annual certification. Attend annual Certification Meeting including the recruitment of additional volunteers to assist with book certification. Attend Jamboree to ensure the certification of all books. Prepare all official rosters for coaching staff and players, and PAR forms for each team for every game. Attend Equipment hand-out to ensure holding checks are collected and players are cleared to receive equipment. Collect and retain all holding checks for all families that have agreed to participate in the volunteer program. Take possession of completed Equipment Check Out forms in order to be retained with holding check, Player clearance checklist and signed Concussion Form. Attend Equipment return to ensure all equipment as checked out is returned and return holding check to parent. Act as Weighmaster in the absence of a Team Weighmaster. At the end of each season, return holding checks to those parents that have completed the required hours and arrange for payment or notify of intent to cash holding checks for parents that failed to complete all required hours. Must attend all RJT board meetings, all games to complete certifications & all home games.
Volunteer CoordinatorOversees volunteers for snack bar, boosters, and gate positions. Liaison to Team Parent (i.e. Team Mom) each week to ensure all par, chain, announcer, and spotters are covered for all games. All volunteer information must be provided to Team Parents the weekend before the following week and game day. Prepare and maintain a database for tracking all volunteer shifts, parent volunteer hours and Student Worker hours. Work with the Registrar to ensure that all families that have opted to participate in the volunteer program are appropriately accounted for in the Registrar system. Provide Team Parents a list of all families that have bought out for the season. Works with the Registar to ensure all volunteers have turned in their holding check or payment for the required seasons volunteer commitments. At the end of each season,works with the Registar to ensure holding checks are returned to volunteers that have completed the required hours and arrange for payment or notify of intent to cash holding checks for parents that failed to complete all required hours. Audits all enrollments at the end of the season to ensure all members volunteered required hours. Must attend all RJT board meetings, stand in for all team parents for volunteering at all away games in their absence & all home games.
Sponsorship Coordinator Assist and advise the Board on all matters relating to sponsorship. Determine needs of the organization regarding large purchases requiring dedicated sponsorship at the beginning of each calendar year and work on securing said sponsors. Assists Event Coordinator with raffle items. Establish yearly goals for sponsorship. Work with the VPO to ensure RJT sponsorship commitments are carried out, including but not limited to banners, digital logos for use by League, thank you letter, and appropriate sponsorship gifts each season. Collect Sponsorship donations. Hang all sponsorship banners at home field prior to each game then taken down and stored. Maintain positive working relationships with all sponsors. Must attend all RJT board meetings, fundraising events & all home games
Snack Bar CoordinatorAssist and advise the Board on all matters relating to the snack bar. Supervise and arrange the overall set up, tear down and operation of the snack bar during home game days. Must be present during the entirety of all home games. Determine the number of Student Workers required. Advertise, interview and hire Student Workers. Keep an inventory of supplies for the snack bar and coordinate storage. Must attend all RJT board meetings & all home games.
Events/Fundraising CoordinatorDevelop and oversee all fundraising activities and events for the upcoming season. Plan, coordinate, recruit board members to help and execute various events, raffles or other fundraisers throughout the season. Secure and coordinate the Board approved vendors for game day such as a coffee vendor, frozen juice vendor, etc. Coordinate, assist and complete the ordering of the year-end trophies and awards. Coordinate with the Sponsorship Coordinator on all crossover events/fundraisers. Must attend all RJT board meetings, all events organized by the coordinator & all home games.
Communications/WebmasterMaintain website with current and accurate information (i.e. FAQ’s, forms, Board contact info, news items, various tab content, etc).. Control and update all social media outlets regularly. Post all scheduled events, practice and fundraisers on the website calendar. Post all upcoming games, location and game day scores on all social media outlets. Send all communication email messages to families throughout the year. Communicates with the Team Parent group on all information sent out to ensure it is correct, working with the VPO and approved by the President. Responsible for preparing and sending weekly newsletter during the season. Provide support to members on how to update their accounts with RJT. Assist families with Team Sideline log-in and issues. Attendance: Must attend all RJT board meetings & all home games.
BoosterAssist and advise the Board on all matters relating to spirit wear and marketing. Develop new logos for spirit wear, secure competitive bids, present to the Board for approval, and secure purchases. Price and sell items for organization profit. Maintain inventory of all merchandise and store in RJT Bins or at your home. Manage the activities, including setup and tear down, of Spirit wear booth on game days. Setup and tear down at special events as approved by the Board. Prepare an annual Budget for the Board’s review and approval at the beginning of each season. Design and order merchandise, spirit packs as well as coaches hats and shirts. Must attend all RJT board meetings, all home games & any event that Booster is required by the president.
Football CoordinatorOversees coaches, coaching staff and weighmasters and assists and advises as needed. Works closely with the VP of Football on all aspects of the football program including selection of head and assistant coaches. Ensures all coaches are present for official badge photos and distribution of badges upon receipts. Works with the VPO to ensure all staff are certified,fingerprinted and cleared for participation. Will collect the information and give it to the President for SAC approval. Coordinate coach’s training in all divisions. Attendance: Must attend all RJT board meetings, all practices & all home games.
Cheer CoordinatorReports to the VP of Cheer in all operations of the cheer program. Attend all meetings with the Vice President of Cheer. Acts on behalf of the Vice President of Cheer in his/her absence. Serve as liaison to the Vice President of Cheer and Board for all Cheer advisory positions (outlined below). Assist in the selection of Head Coach positions for each squad. Collect all Assistant Coach and Teen Assistant applications, participate in the selection process and training of staff. Coordinate and ensure that all staff are fingerprinted and properly documented. Organize & coordinate other Cheer/Tumbling clinics & camps as needed. Organize & coordinate written & verbal communication with Cheer parents & coaches regarding practices, games & competitions. Ensures all coaches are present for official badge photos and distribution of badges upon receipts. Inventory all Cheer equipment and maintain an on-going record. Must attend all RJT board meetings, Must stand in for the VP of Cheer at SAC board meetings in his/her absence & all practices & games.